Decentralizing Data Control for a Smarter, Safer future

Secure and controlled access to quality data is crucial for the growth of the digital economy. Current solutions often focus on bypassing the need for data owners' consent in data processing.

Ecosteer transforms consent management from a barrier to data sharing into an opportunity for growth.

Our technology empowers data owners with full control over data visibility, decentralizing consent management while reducing the costs and legal risks associated with centralized systems—ensuring maximum scalability.

Key Benefits
For Data Intermediaries

By decentralizing control over data visibility, Ecosteer eliminates the costly and risky burden of managing consent. Data owners directly control who can access their information, reducing the need for complex and expensive consent processes for data intermediaries.

For Businesses

Our technologies enable decentralized data visibility management, allowing businesses to securely share data across systems and stakeholders without the complexities of traditional centralized frameworks. The result is a more efficient, scalable, and compliant data-sharing solution adaptable to any industry.

For Individuals

Ecosteer empowers individuals to regain control over their personal data. Our solutions enable users to manage who can access their information, ensuring full transparency, privacy, and security—without compromising usability or trust.

Privacy Enhancing Encryption Schemes

At Ecosteer, we recognize the challenges data intermediaries face in managing consent. Traditional centralized models are costly and risk-prone. Our encryption schemes allow data owners to manage consent directly, reducing the burden on intermediaries.

For data streams

Data Visibility Control Overlay DVCO

A patented multicast encryption scheme that allows data owners to control third-party visibility over data streams generated by connected devices, such as energy meters, telematics, wearables, apps, and more.

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For data sets

Record Level Encryption RELE

An innovative encryption scheme for data records that allows data owners to control third-party visibility over data sets stored in centralized repositories, such as EHR or CRM systems.

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Consent Management Framework

A framework for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of data exchanges based on privacy enhancing technologies.

Consent Management

Data Ownership Platform DOP

A standardized framework for integrating privacy enhancing technologies into existing IT architectures, enabling user-centric, privacy-compliant data exchanges.

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Why Ecosteer
Reconciling data sharing with Privacy Regulations

Ecosteer enables scalable data sharing by transforming privacy compliance into a growth engine, through decentralized solutions that shift control to data owners. This allows businesses to share data without the burden of managing consent, reducing costs and regulatory risks.

Patented technologies

Ecosteer’s patented encryption schemes separate access control from visibility control, ensuring secure data flow without compromising privacy. Only authorized users can view specific data streams, offering both privacy and control.

Future proof technologies

Ecosteer’s scalable technologies are adaptable to any data source or use case. Our systems maintain seamless functionality as data exchanges grow, ensuring long-term reliability.

Data Ownership Expertise

Ecosteer’s expertise in data ownership adds value to businesses. Our solutions enable secure data sharing while maintaining privacy and compliance, turning regulatory requirements into growth opportunities.

Whether you operate in healthcare, finance, public transport, or any other industry, Ecosteer offers a smarter, safer, and more cost-effective way to handle data. Our decentralized solutions enhance privacy and security while ensuring that your data management is future-proof, scalable, and compliant with the latest regulations.


The New EU Data Economy: Unleashing the Power of Data Sharing
EU Data Act: The End of Data Monopolies

The European Union is on the cusp of a transformative shift in data management with the introduction of the Data Act. Scheduled for implementation on 12 September 2025, this legislation is a cornerstone in the EU's mission to dismantle data monopolies and foster a more equitable, competitive data economy.

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The New EU Data Economy: Unleashing the Power of Data Sharing
Ecosteer RELE Technology: Decentralizing Data Privacy for Data Records

In an era where data privacy and security are of utmost importance, Ecosteer Record Level Encryption (RELE) technology is setting a new standard for data sharing across various sectors. As a horizontal technology, RELE can be applied in any industry where personal data is generated by third parties and stored by them directly or through external IT service providers. This includes sectors such as healthcare, e-commerce, and financial services. For instance, in healthcare, doctors create patient records that are stored by hospitals and clinics; in e-commerce, platforms maintain personal shopping histories; and in financial services, credit records are created by financial operators and stored by financial institutions.

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The New EU Data Economy: Unleashing the Power of Data Sharing
Data Act Compliance: Navigating the Privacy Challenge and Unlocking New Opportunities

In our earlier exploration of "The New EU Data Economy: Unleashing the Power of Data", we discussed how the Data Act, effective September 12, 2025, is poised to revolutionize the digital landscape. This regulation mandates that providers of connected devices must grant users control over the data their devices generate, allowing them to share it freely with any party of their choosing. Data intermediaries, as defined in the Data Governance Act, will facilitate this process by providing the necessary technical infrastructure for seamless data sharing.

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The New EU Data Economy: Unleashing the Power of Data Sharing
The New EU Data Economy: Unleashing the Power of Data Sharing

The EU data economy is on the verge of a dramatic transformation, with its value projected to skyrocket from €301 billion in 2018 to an estimated €829 billion by 2025. To fuel this growth, the EU is rolling out new regulations designed to promote the circulation and reuse of data. At the heart of this initiative are two key pillars: the Data Act and the Data Governance Act.

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Elena Pasquali

Founder & CEO

Daniel Grazioli

Founder & CTO

Georgiana Bud

Software Development

Mina Khosh Nazar

Software Development

Daniele Scanferlato

Brand Management

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Get started with Ecosteer

Ecosteer provides the unique technologies needed to build GDPR- and Data Act-compliant Data Intermediaries by design.

Discover our approach to data sharing governance and learn how we can support your corporate data sharing strategy.